Training & Support
Congratulations on purchasing Exterminex™ Termite Bait!
Please take some time to understand how to get the best results using the bait, find a link to the basic training manual that should be read prior to use below,
For full access to additional training & support, Register with Exterminex™ for access to dashboard and this includes:
- Proposal & agreements
- Detailed training documents
- Flyers for clients
- Costing calculators
- Artwork
- Ask an entomologist
- And much more,
1 on 1 or group training for Exterminex™ Installers Australia
If you require further 1 on 1 or group training and support (within Australia) please email or call us.
Email :
Phone: 1300 822 282
Support: Dion Peters, 0484 751 440
7 Clunies Ross Court
Eight Mile Plains 4113
QLD, Australia (By appointment)
Documentation/ Training for EAA (Exterminex™ Authorised Installers Outside Australia)
Email :